RAFA Branch £150k Wings Appeal Dinner
Grange Moor Hotel, Maidstone Friday 10th October 2014
Aylesford and Malling Branch of the Royal Air Forces Association (RAFA) had just passed another milestone by contributing £150,000 to Wings Appeal.
A commemorative dinner, attended by 60 members and guests, was held to celebrate this significant achievement.
Guest of Honour at the Dinner was RAFA President, Air Marshal Sir Dusty Miller KBE, who presented a commemorative certificate to branch chairman Ted Bates
Another distinguished guest was Wg Cdr Duncan Stubbs Principal Director of Music RAF. Eight years of RAF Central Band Concerts raised £28,000 of the total.
Sylvia Bonner was presented with a certificate in recognition of her personal achievement in raising £10,000 with aircraft badge donation boxes.