March 2004 – The evening of Thursday March 4th, 2004 saw a sell-out concert for the second year, in aid of the Battle of Britain Wings Appeal.

This time, it was the turn of The Central Band of the Royal Air Force, to provide an evening of music, which was enjoyed by all.
As with last year`s performance by The Royal Air Force Squadronaires, the conductor was Sqn Ldr Duncan Stubbs, the Central Band`s Director of Music, who added humour to the occassion.
The concert raised in excess of £3,250 for Wings Appeal.
Our thanks go to all who attended, to help make the event so successful, to members of 2374(Ditton)Sqn ATC and to Sqn Ldr Stubbs, Band Sergeant FS Richard Skelton, and all the members of the Central Band of the Royal Air Force who worked so hard, and together made for such an enjoyable evening.