Branch Life Members

The Branch Committee chooses to recognise those branch members who have made exceptional contributions to the branch, by awarding them Branch Life Membership.

The status of Branch Life Member was formally agreed by the Branch Committee at the 26th Annual General Meeting; the award to be made for branch members who have given outstanding service to the Branch. The award comprises payment of RAFA annual membership fees by the Branch in perpetuity .

This selection of slides depict examples of the recipients representing the Branch in public from Wings Appeal fundraising to parading the Branch Standard. Many of the pictures also feature the late Marie Bennett who would have easily qualified for this recognition had we sadly not lost her in August 2019.

Brian Bates receives Certificate of Appreciation from Air Marshal Philip Sturley
RAFA Remembrance Garden Opening by HRH Princess Royal, 2009
Pauline Bates (left), Margaret Burton (right) at Biggin Hill Air Fair
Colin Sedge - Branch Life Member
Pauline Bates collecting for Wings Appeal
Pauline Bates (2nd from right), Margaret Burton (right) with Malcolm Bennett, Sylvia Bonner, Ted Bates and Marie Bennett
Ray Chopping - Branch Life Member
Malcolm Bennett - Branch Life Member
Colin Sedge - Branch Life Member
Colin Sedge - Branch Life Member
Malcolm Bennett - Branch Life Member
Malcolm Bennett - Branch Life Member
Malcolm Bennett - Branch Life Member
Ray Chopping - Branch Life Member
Ray Chopping - Branch Life Member
Margaret Burton (left), Pauline Bates (second from right) with Linda Javens, Marie Bennett and Sylvia Bonner
Pauline Bates, Margaret Burton with Marie Bennett and Sylvia Bonner
Ray Chopping - Branch Life Member
Brian Bates receives Certificate of Appreciation from Air Marshal Philip Sturley RAFA Remembrance Garden Opening by HRH Princess Royal, 2009 Pauline Bates (left), Margaret Burton (right) at Biggin Hill Air Fair Colin Sedge - Branch Life Member Pauline Bates collecting for Wings Appeal Pauline Bates (2nd from right), Margaret Burton (right) with Malcolm Bennett, Sylvia Bonner, Ted Bates and Marie Bennett Ray Chopping - Branch Life Member Malcolm Bennett - Branch Life Member Colin Sedge - Branch Life Member Colin Sedge - Branch Life Member Malcolm Bennett - Branch Life Member Malcolm Bennett - Branch Life Member Malcolm Bennett - Branch Life Member Ray Chopping - Branch Life Member Ray Chopping - Branch Life Member Margaret Burton (left), Pauline Bates (second from right) with Linda Javens, Marie Bennett and Sylvia Bonner Pauline Bates, Margaret Burton with Marie Bennett and Sylvia Bonner Ray Chopping - Branch Life Member

Branch Life Membership has been awarded to the following people, and we would like to thank them all for their service to the Branch.

Malcolm Bennett

In recognition of his 24 years of service to the branch, his dedication as Branch Standard Bearer and for his work as former Hon Welfare Officer assisted by his beloved late wife Marie.

Margaret Burton

Pauline Bates


In recognition of being very active members since the Branch’s inception giving unstinting support, undertaking various committee roles and importantly continuing the charitable work at Branch level on behalf of the Royal Air Forces Association.

Ray Chopping

Colin Sedge


In recognition of their exceptional service and in particular for their selfless dedication in collecting for the RAFA Wings Appeal.

Brian Bates

In recognition of his designing the Branch website in 2003 and now, 18 years later, completing a total re-design. He has freely used his professional skills, and keen interest in Branch affairs, to expertly publicise the branch history and achievements.