Branch 25th Anniversary

In October 2020, we celebrated our 25th Anniversary.

The branch was formed on 7th October 1995 and in its first 25 years, has succeeded in raising over £168,000 for RAFA Wings Appeal.

The presentation of the Branch Certificate marking its formation
Pictured (l to r) are Dennis Jackson (Branch Vice President) Mike Cocker (SE Area Director) Brian Burton (SE Area Chairman) Patrick Tootal (Branch President) Ted Bates (Branch Chairman) Robin Burton (Branch Vice Chairman) Graham Stuart (Branch Hon Sec).
(Photo: courtesy Kent Messenger) taken on 8th November 1995 in the Capel Morris Club RBLV
Branch Certificate of Formation, 1995
Certifcate marking £150,000 raised for Wings Appeal
Central Council Certificate awarded in 2014 marking £150,000 raised for Wings Appeal

Branch Life Membership Awarded

This year would have seen events to have marked our Branch’s 25th Anniversary but due to obvious reasons this has not been possible.

We your committee have however decided, in recognition of this milestone, to reward invaluable service given to date by committee members Margaret Burton and Pauline Bates with Branch Life Membership.

(click on an image below to see caption)

Both Margaret and Pauline have been very active members since the Branch’s inception giving unstinting support, undertaking various committee roles and importantly continuing the charitable work at Branch level  on behalf of the Royal Air Forces Association.

see also Branch Life Members

Formal Celebration

Unfortunately, we have not been able to hold a formal event to mark our 25th anniversary, but hopefully we will all be able to get back together at some point in the near future to celebrate in person.

We thank all of our members, past and present, for their support of the branch over the years.

Many of those who originally formed the branch are sadly no longer with us, but they will always be remembered.